Oort Digital — Your Super NFT Account

Lucas | Eaglenode
2 min readApr 18, 2021


What is an Oort Digital?

Oort Digital is a marketplace that you can borrow, lend, lease, trade, mine, or game your NFTs. You have only one super account and you can do all the above acts as it is. It is as simple as that!

Let’s imagine you’ve acquired lands in the sandbox game and cards from Anrx game. This is one of the most NFT projects. In a typical way, you need to use two separate accounts if you want to borrow them. With Oort Digital you can do that with only one account! This is a much more convenient approach from a user perspective.

Oort Digital — Valuation

Currently, we can only put an offer via a third party service like OpenSea and wait on a bid order from other users. Sometimes it takes a lot of time so NFTs is not tradable like classic cryptocurrencies.

On their platform, you will be able to swap NFT tokens without waiting on bidding from buyers. It solves the liquidity problem in terms of NFTs tokens.

Moreover, with lending and borrowing options you can have a passive income.

Oort Digital — Interoperability

They want to cooperate with other NFT projects to get utilize a system. You will manage them from one account. It costs your time and accelerates the adoption of NFT in general.

Oort Digital — User Experience

I know that the user experience of decentralized applications is not intuitive as we would wish. There are aiming to create a seamless user interface to get mass adoption NFT.


As you can read in the above chapter Oort Digital presents magnificence. I cannot wait on those features and experience them as fast as possible. Stay tuned and follow their social media.

Website: https://oortdigital.tech/

Telegram: https://t.me/oortdigital

Twitter: https://twitter.com/OortDigital

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/fNsaAECGaS



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