FAQ HolyHeld

Lucas | Eaglenode
3 min readFeb 14, 2021


What is the difference between Holy and HH token?

Holy is a short name for old token compare to HH which is a new one. The contract had to be changed so the team must have created a new cryptocurrency.

Why do I need to migrate Holy token?

If you staked Holy before 19th Jan 2021 you have to swap the old one to get a bonus. To do that you follow the instruction under the link.

Time of the migration process is expired at end of February 2021

How is a HH contract address?

You can also find more information in etherscan.

How is an HH-ETH LP address which provides 2 x reward from the vault?

You can find it on sushiswap exchange. Click here

How to get a bonus?

After migration, you need to download the app then import wallet there and wait on a claimable button. Bonus distribution depends on the market capitalization of HolyHeld. The higher market cap is, the faster bonus you’ll obtain.

In the worst case, you should able to claim it in April 2021.

I don’t trust mobile app in case of cryptocurrency. Can I claim my bonus via the official website?

Yes, you can, but the feature is coming. Just relax and wait.

When moon, Sir?


What happens if I won’t migrate my tokens?

You’ll lose them forever.

Why the price of Holy token is higher than HH?

Fundamentally, during the migration process liquidity of Holy is lesser each day because providers remove them from uniswap exchange. Which means the price is fluctuating due to low liquidity.

My transaction is still pending. What can I do about that?

Well, we are in the bull run. Holyheld is based on ethereum blockchain, which has an enormous amount of transaction and gas price is changing in short time significantly. So after transaction confirmation, gas price can be different than before that. This is the reason why from time to time you are waiting on the transaction so long.

You have two options. Either you just wait on success status (it can take a long time) or you can try to cancel a transaction.

I am using Trust Wallet mobile version and I am stuck. What should I do?

Try to do it via the website.

What can I do with HH token?

Well, you can store them in Holy app or provide liquidity on sushiswap exchange. The first option will give a reward from the vault (commission from staking other users stable coin profit). The second one will give you 2 x rewards compared to the first one. Furthermore, you would earn via fee transactions and farming (more information will announce soon)

To sum up, the more HH token you possess, the more rewards you will get.

Where to download an app?

Jump to the official website then click the download button.

Can I acquire a bonus at a different address that I staked?

Yes, you can. But you need to take some action. Follow the instruction step by step.



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